Grottaferrata – The municipality adheres to the “Volunteers in the network”
Grottaferrata – The municipality joins the “Project S.O.S.S.S.S. – Volunteers on the Net”
The Lazio Region has funded the “Project S.O.S.S.S.S.”, an acronym for Operational Relief, Loneliness, Health and Support Services, Aimed at supporting the elderly and the lonely, marginalized or dependent, carried out thanks to the voluntary work of several Associations in the area, which have established a free service of assistance to those in need, also because of their long-term economic conditions, in order to facilitate intervention and prevent emergency situations.
The Municipality of Grottaferrata has joined this ed important initiative, together with the other Municipalities of the RMH Social and Health District, which fills a gap in a service that is scarcely present or, if present, almost always carried out by private entities, and therefore for a fee, preventing its use by those burdened by precarious economic conditions.
This proposal is designed, therefore, To establish direct support for citizens and indirectly to institutions in carrying out the primary function of support for weak categories, whose scope is increasing in our territory.
Hence the funding by the Lazio Region and the activation of several associative realities, both secular and religious, linked together in the organization “Volunteers in the Network,” including the “Appha Onlus” of Ciampino, the “Ass. Tuscolana di Solidarietà” of Grottaferrata, the “Misericordia” Associations of Ariccia and Pomezia, the Parish of Santa Maria dell’Assunta in cielo of Ariccia, the Ass. “Giro Giro Tondo Onlus” of Grottaferrata, the “Istituto per la Famiglia Onlus” of Albano and Ariccia, and the Ass. “Alzheimer Castelli Romani” in Genzano di Roma.
Such dense network of Associations has set up a efficient social emergency response system, available everyday, from Monday to Sunday from 9.00 to 19.00, and also a constantly active tele-help service, operational h. 24 through three power plants, which responds to the requests of all residents of the Social Health District.
In cases of extreme need, it is also provided for the home delivery service of medications, as well as of the periodic home visits by volunteers, in order to increase and improve the level of social inclusion of the assisted persons, as well as to verify their general conditions. Other functions of the “Volunteers in the Network” are the delivery of clothing and food, cultural mediation, legal assistance and shower service.
The Councillor for Social Services Francesca Maria Passini expressed his satisfaction about this project that also involves the residents of Grottaferrata: “Siamo extremely happy That this service has been activated and made available to all those people who are elderly or experiencing serious health, economic, or loneliness-related hardships. One can only thank the Regional Authority for the contribution allocated and especially all the volunteers from the Associations and Parishes for their commitment and constant presence in this project. L’adherence of our municipality took place at the beginning of the summer, period that often marks, for various reasons, the abandonment of many elderly and needy people.
The service of the “telesoccorso – concluded Councillor Passini – will be guaranteed at least until December 31 of the current year.“
Grottaferrata is included in the H1-H3 pole belonging to Telesoccorso Central 2, to which the “Appha Onlus” of Grottaferrata belongs.