• March 16, 2025

Lazio Region – Healthcare Zingaretti signs decree for 37 hires in ASL and hospitals of Lazio

Lazio Region – Healthcare, Zingaretti signs decree for 37 hires in the ASL and hospitals of Lazio

Five structures of the regional health system were authorized by decree signed by President Nicola Zingaretti to proceed the permanent hiring of 37 units of staff between doctors and nurses. The interested hospital companies are those of the S. Giovanni Addolorata and Polyclinic Umberto I.

The ASLs are those of the Rome G (Tivoli-Monterotondo), Frosinone and Rieti. The general directions of the two large Roman hospitals are authorized to take a total of 9 doctors. Particularly 3 Neonatologists and 3 gynecologists will be hired at s. John To ensure full activity of the neonatal area. Also at Umberto the three hires will concern the neonatology department. In the Rome G The General Management can proceed with the permanent commissioning of service of 2 internist doctors, 3 psychiatrists, 1 psychologist, and 1 social worker in view of the start of the new SPDC at the Monterotondo hospital.

The ASL of Frosinone, After the 21 units of staff between doctors and nurses hired last May, he will be able to enlist stable on a stable basis 2 Medical Surgeons of acceptance and urgency and thus reinforce the staff of emergency services. In Rieti Instead, the General Management may solve many of the critical issues deriving from the deficiencies of organic with the hiring of 19 units of staff between doctors and nurses. In detail, the ASL can take: 3 Radiology doctors, 3 cardiologists, 1 surgeon of acceptance and urgency, 3 radiologists technicians, 1 midwife and 10 nurses.

The assumptions granted in derogation – explains the President Zingarettiare those strictly necessary to guarantee the full functionality of essential services such as in Frosinone to the S. Giovanni and Umberto I. Others, and I refer to those authorized in Rome G, instead they are supporting the new services for mental health open in the ASL. The 19 hires authorized in Rieti allow the company to fill the organic voids as to doctors and nurses in order to continue to provide citizens with quality assistance. The permanent hiring is good news that I particularly like to communicate because it brings with it established by work and therefore the possibility of developing a concrete life project on a fairly solid bases, to young doctors, nurses, radiologists technicians and their families“.