• March 16, 2025

Grottaferrata – March 8 “Prevention Day” for women

Grottaferrata – March 8: “Prevention Day” for women

On the occasion of “International Women’s Day“, scheduled for March 8, 2016, the City Council sponsored the initiative of the Italian Neurotraumatological Institute, by resolution N. 15 of February 22, 2016, which includes a free visit aimed at women in the City of Grottaferrata.

Throughout the day, from 9 a.m.00 to 18.00, the doctors of INI Grottaferrata will be available for a free screening with gynecological examination and pap test. To join simply call INI’s CUP at 06 942851 or make reservations at the counters of the Acceptance. Reservations will be accepted until all scheduled appointments are filled.

Health protection is closely linked to the recognition of women’s rights – Equal Opportunities Councillor commented, Francesca Maria PASSINI, and added – This initiative is also intended to be a moment of reflection on the role of Women, a topic on which the Grottaferrata Administration is particularly sensitive: precisely for this reason, last January 27, the project was approved Women’s Employment, a service that offers guidance, support and accompaniment to work, especially for those women in difficult circumstances”.

We recall that celebrating the date of March 8, in addition to reaffirming the achievements of rights in the social, political and economic spheres, reminds us of serious current issues, such as discrimination and harassment, both physical and psychological, of which, unfortunately, many women are still victims today.