• October 22, 2024

Ladispoli – Great milestone reached with the House of Health

Ladispoli – Great goal reached with the House of Health

We realize that the expectations of this territory are high and the inauguration of the House of Health is a great result and another step forward “. With these words the mayor of Ladispoli Crescenzo Paliotta He commented on the inauguration of the new health facility on the Via Aurelia that took place last Monday in the presence, among others, of the president of the Lazio Zingaretti Region, of the director of the ASL RMF Quintavalle and the mayor of Cerveteri Pascucci.

“We all aim – continued Paliotta – to the creation of a hospital in our area but we are aware of the difficulties in which the health sector pays. The House of Health with its connection with the accredited public and private hospitalization structures, with the primary care units external to the structure, with public and private pharmacies and with the other garrisons present in the area, guarantees an offer of service such to ensure the effective taking charge of citizens and the coordination of the responses to be guaranteed. At the center of this project, as the president of the Lazio Zingaretti Region recalled, there are the rights of people. Our territory in the last 40 years has recorded a phenomenon that has no equal in Italy: then Ladispoli and Cerveteri counted no more than 15.000 inhabitants now we are over 80.000 with peaks, in some moments of the year, which reach 300.000. Ours is an area that has a great need for health services: we are on the Aurelia, a few hundred meters are the highway, the railway and over fifteen kilometers of coast.

There is a crossing of this intense territory and the accesses instead of first intervention vary from thirteen thousand to fifteen thousand a year. The House of Health is already a concrete response to these needs since citizens have a single territorial location where to contact the various social and health services every day. But to understand the importance of today you often need to look back. Thirty -five years ago the municipality of Ladispoli made it possible to be an emergency room open all year round what was the summer emergency room that closed in September.

The Municipality then made an agreement with doctors and the structure remained open 24 hours a day. Since – He concluded Paliotta – that garrison has remained, we defended it and we have come to date. A result obtained by the whole community of Ladispoli and Cerveteri “.

The House of Health of Ladispoli and Cerveteri, which has 5 hospitalizations for observation, it is connected to the net with all the structures of the local health system so that you can provide in the shortest possible time the adequate response to every need. Among the novelties, the single access point (PUA) integrated with the social services of the municipalities of Ladispoli and Cerveteri for the social and health orientation and activation of the multidisciplinary evaluation unit district for the evaluation and taking charge of complex cases. In addition to the single booking desk, the analysis laboratory, the nursing clinic, instead of first intervention and the prevention counter violence against women, specialist activities are guaranteed including angiology, cardiology, diabetology, ophthalmology and orthopedics.

To facilitate access to services To all users the information inside the house of the health of Ladispoli and Cerveteri are written, as well as in Italian, in English, French, Romanian and Arabic.