• March 16, 2025

Wednesday Rosa Santa Rita from Cascia Hospital for prevention

Wednesday Rosa: Santa Rita da Cascia Hospital for prevention

About 80% of women in fertile undergoes for preventive purposes on periodic gynecological visits: a number that highlights the growing attention that Italians give to their health; This is a subsidized phenomenon in the presence of organized screening programs (2015-2018 steps data). There are over 2.300 The new diagnoses recorded every year Italy of cervix tumors in initial form (AIRC data): this pathology, when diagnosed early, allows complete cure.

To support this positive trend and facilitate access to care

To support this positive trend and facilitate access to care, Santa Rita from Cascia Hospital, Roman Hospital of GVM Care & Research accredited with the NHS, presents the initiative of Wednesday pink: every Wednesday afternoon, at the structure of the Prati district, from 15:00 to 20:00, it will be possible to undergo a gynecological control at a subsidized rate by reservation for the prevention of female pathologies, such as the papilloma virus or the dependent tumor forms of the ovary and the uterus.

THE Wednesday pink, initiative valid until 30 June 2020

THE Wednesday pink, initiative valid until 30 June 2020, allow patients to book a complete package of Gynecological visit, transvaginal ultrasound and pap test. The three medical services included in the package allow the gynecologist the diagnosis and possibly the prescription of a treatment plan where necessary: the gynecological examination provides for a first phase of interview and anamnesis to make a picture of any symptoms, discomfort and drugs already in use reported by the patient. Then the gynecologist proceeds to an external inspection of the genitals and therefore to the internal one; L’transvaginal ultrasound It is the most common diagnostic methodology to obtain detailed images of the internal organs of the female genital system; the PAP test Finally, it is a screening exam generally dedicated to Prevention of cervy cancer.

It is performed by taking a sample of cells from the uterine cervix with a buffer; The analysis of this allows to identify any cancer cells or traces of infections.

Dr. André Chakargi, specialist in gynecology

“The gynecological examination is indicated at all ages – specifies the Dr. André Chakargi, specialist in gynecology at Santa Rita da Cascia Hospital in Rome -, Especially in the case of common symptoms, such as pain, bleeding, burning during urination, disorders located in the lower abdomen. Even in the absence of symptoms, however, it is recommended to periodically undergo gynecological checks. In the initial phases, in fact, some pathologies may be asymptomatic.

Precisely for this reason prevention is the recommended choice to get toobjective of early diagnosis: as soon as possible, you can identify a pathology, the more the chances of treating it successfully “.

Wednesday Rosa: gynecological prevention

When: Every Wednesday (until June 30), from 15:00 to 20:00

Where is it: Santa Rita da Cascia Hospital – Via degli Scipioni, 130 Rome